4th of July Weekend, Mammerjammers!

In times of moral quandary I ask myself, What Would Aunt Bee Do? And the answer always is…PIE. Butterscotch Pecan Pie. Continue reading
In times of moral quandary I ask myself, What Would Aunt Bee Do? And the answer always is…PIE. Butterscotch Pecan Pie. Continue reading
Finally beginning to check back into Earth Time after a few weeks of running around doing stuff that prevented coherent thought of the type I prefer. Continue reading
I’m in the middle of a rather daunting Thursday-Saturday of graduation, teen-dates, and generally driving everybody everywhere at all hours, all day. Continue reading
My feline office mate, who might have been created for me by Sartre in No Exit mood, insisted I play something about cats. He didn’t know how FONKY it was going to be. Continue reading
I’m not really updating much from Poland, largely because I didn’t bring my special keyboard, so I’m forced to type slowly, directly on the laptop, which is suited only for the malformed paws of you Earthlings. But I’m thinking of you. Yes, YOU. Because I know that with me out of town, you’re eyeing my stuff. Continue reading
I’ve just finished SLEEPING LATE ON JUDGMENT DAY, except for the usual proofing, etc. I’m really pleased with how it came out. I was worried when I started, because it follows the Grand Guignol of HAPPY HOUR, but I think in the end it delivers everything I hoped it would, expanding Bobby and his world and answering a lot of questions I’d been dangling since the first volume. Continue reading