[Events]Tad live on Facebook

For the past several weeks Tad has been doing short story live readings on his Facebook account on the weekends. The video recordings of these readings have been archived for later viewing. Continue reading
For the past several weeks Tad has been doing short story live readings on his Facebook account on the weekends. The video recordings of these readings have been archived for later viewing. Continue reading
Tad will be a guest this week at the Celsius 232 festival. Continue reading
Tad will be on an extended book tour in October, with events in Switzerland, Germany, the UK, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Continue reading
I find the idea of being deprived of a lot of things horrifying, but being deprived of reading might well be the worst thing you could do to me (among things not involving actual pain to myself or others). Continue reading
The most important thing about a wintertime book is that the colder the scene, the warmer your surroundings must be. For instance, anybody who undertakes the climb up Caradhras without a fire or a working heater, as well as a cup of hot chocolate or peppermint tea, is a fool of a Took. Continue reading