Only four weeks left till THE NAVIGATOR´S CHILDREN is finally published! Continue reading
Only four weeks left till THE NAVIGATOR´S CHILDREN is finally published! Continue reading
Join the brand-new #MSTReadAlong by BookTuber Rick MacDonnell on YouTube. Continue reading
REVIEWS AND REACTIONS: Empire of Grass, Tad´s new OSTEN ARD novel is in bookstores now, and the first reviews are already coming in. Continue reading
This week UNBOUND WORLDS published an exclusive update about the next book in the LAST KING OF OSTEN ARD trilogy. Continue reading
With this post we would like to share some of the excitement of the tour and compile all the videos, pictures and interviews in one place, so that you can follow Tad and Deborah through Europe (at least virtually). Continue reading
A short summary of recent news from the Tadlands with news about Empire of Grass, a new interview, a brilliant new review and publishing news out of Poland. Continue reading