OTHERLAND MMORPG officially released

OTHERLAND MMORPG officially released. The game is now available commercially as free-to-play. Continue reading
OTHERLAND MMORPG officially released. The game is now available commercially as free-to-play. Continue reading
DRAGO Entertainment has announced that the Unreal-powered Client Action MMORPG Otherland is now available on Steam Early Access. Get Otherland on Steam Continue reading
Can’t wait for the Otherland MMO to be released? Here’s your chance to get in early as an alpha tester. And don’t miss the details for your chance to win 1 of 5 lifetime passes to all Otherland Alpha and Beta periods! Continue reading
Win a chance to appear in the upcoming Tad Williams video interview! Film a short video of yourself asking Tad a question about the upcoming Otherland MMO. Continue reading
Few science fiction sagas have achieved the level of critical acclaim — and best-selling popularity — as Tad Williams’s Otherland novels. A brilliant blend of science fiction, fantasy, and technothriller, Otherland is a rich, multilayered epic of future possibilities.
After several years in development, game studio RealU, dtp Entertainment, and gamigo are pleased to announce Otherland, the Massive Multiplayer Online Game based on Tad’s epic series. Continue reading
Click here to watch more trailers and for updated information about Otherland: the Game Otherland MMO Banner Art, Concept Art and Screenshots courtesy RealU, gamigo, and dtp entertainment