This gallery contains 5 photos.
Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is re-released in the US in new trade paperback, eBook and audiobook editions. Continue reading
OUT NOW: Out now in mass-market paperback from Daw Books in the US. Also available in the UK, Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland and Russia. Continue reading
Tad´s French paperback publisher Pocket has for the first time licensed French ebook editions of Memory, Sorrow and Thorn, which have been published by digital publisher 12-21 in May 2016. The complete story of Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is available … Continue reading
Tad´s unabridged audiobook recordings in the US and in the UK. Continue reading
Tad´s latest newsletter including a fantasy masterclass. Continue reading
This gallery contains 5 photos.
Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is re-released in the US in new trade paperback, eBook and audiobook editions. Continue reading
Ever since Tad Williams´ original announcement that he would return to the world of Osten Ard with new trilogy The Last King of Osten Ard, the internet has been abuzz with excitement. Now that the first volume, The Witchwood Crown, … Continue reading