Re-Reading Memory, Sorrow and Thorn

Memory Sorrow and Thorn by Tad WilliamsEver since Tad Williams´ original announcement that he would return to the world of Osten Ard with new trilogy The Last King of Osten Ard, the internet has been abuzz with excitement. Now that the first volume, The Witchwood Crown, is scheduled for March 2017 and the bridging novel, The Heart of What Was Lost (formerly The Heart of Regret) that takes place between To Green Angel Tower and The Witchwood Crown, is scheduled to be published just before that in January 2017, readers all over the world are getting ready for their return to Osten Ard by re-reading the classic Memory, Sorrow and Thorn trilogy and writing new appreciations and extensive reading notes and observations about it.

So, here are a couple of links to the most substantial of these reviews and reading notes.

Adam Whitehead, prominent UK sf/f blogger and reviewer, has blogged extensively about the new books and published new appreciations of MS&T (as part of his History of Fantasy series) as well as new reviews of the individual novels.

Tad Williams returns to his signature fantasy setting
Tad Williams´ THE WITCHWOOD CROWN delayed until 2017
THE LAST KING OF OSTEN ARD expands to four novels (sort of)
A History of Epic Fantasy: Part 14 (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn)
The Dragonbone Chair (new review)
Stone of Farewell (new review)
To Green Angel Tower (new review)

Larry Ketchersid published a summary about Memory, Sorrow and Thorn and its place in fantasy history, he also published his extensive re-reading notes on his own website.
You can follow Larry´s re-read here, but beware it is enormous!

This re-read has been abandoned for some time now, but still, the existing reading notes about The Dragonbone Chair are most certainly worth reading.

And, of course, there is the classic MS&T re-read available at Tad´s very own message board. Here is a handy index to the individual re-read posts with lots and lots of contributions from long-time readers.

Have you planned your re-read already?

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3 thoughts on “Re-Reading Memory, Sorrow and Thorn

  1. Thanks for the mention, Tad! I’ve been holding off on posting my notes for the Part II of To Green Angel Tower based on the publishing dates of your new books….now I need to polish those off. Looking forward to the new books!

  2. Good to see I helped you to decide to continue with this beautiful series! hahaha
    dont you dare go and do something stupid and not finish it like Robert Jordan did!

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