Tad’s WFC 2013 Brighton Schedule

WFC-2013-BrightonFRIDAY November 1

  • 11:00 am-Noon Kaffeeklatsche (Library)
  • 8:00-10:30 pm [approx.] Mass Signing (Oxford/Cambridge)

SATURDAY November 2

5:00-6:00 pm Panel: Elvish Has Left the Building (Oxford)
Joe Abercrombie, Trudi Canavan, Scott Lynch, Stan Nicholls (mod.), Adrian Stone, Tad Williams

Is traditional fantasy finally over? After all these years, could it be in danger of running out of imagination and becoming simply a parody of itself, or will there always be ways of re-inventing the genre for a new generation?

SUNDAY November 3

10:00-11:00 am Panel: California Sorcery (Hall 4)
Peter Atkins (mod.), Nancy Holder, Richard Christian Matheson, Terence McVicker, William F. Nolan, Tad Williams

From the early 1950s to the mid-1960s a remarkable group of writers came together in the Los Angeles area and made their mark on literature, films and TV. This loose association included Richard Matheson, Ray Bradbury, Charles Beaumont, Rod Serling, William F. Nolan, George Clayton Johnson, Robert Bloch, Ray Russell, Jerry Sohl and Harlan Ellison, to name only a few. How did this creative confluence come about, and what is it about the West Coast that continues to attract writers, artists and film-makers today?

For more information: WFC 2013 Brighton website

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