
Tad on Facebook

31 March 2012

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Tad’s mood today.

Long day but got a lot of important work done. Now I am sitting reading internet silliness and explaining carefully to the orange cat why he’s likely to get to sit in my lap longer if he doesn’t stick his claws into me. It’ll all end in tears, of course. And flying cats.

30 March 2012

[singlepic id=607 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s mood today.

Tad not like morning. Light wrong. Sounds loud. Brain angry. Make later now! Now!

29 March 2012

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Tad’s mood today.

Jumped out of bed ready to hit the ground running, then immediately had to sink an hour or so into finding out why our email wasn’t working. That done, I am searching for my lost momentum, which I suspect is hiding under the bed with les moutons de poussière (dust bunnies, if you’re not pretentious like moi.)

28 March 2012

[singlepic id=605 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s mood today.

27 March 2012

[singlepic id=604 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s mood today.

I am a tired dude tonight. Long day full of interesting moments marbleized with broad, fatty slabs of stress.

A very loud amphibian has taken up nightly residence near our house. Twelve year old Girl, who has the closest bedroom and tends toward grumpiness, has named him “Douchefrog.”

26 March 2012

[singlepic id=603 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s mood today.

Our kin have arrived safe and sound from far-off Blighty, and after subdued merrymaking are crawling off to bed to deal with jetlag.

Hope my mom-in-law and companions fly safely and happily. Bon voyage, guys.

25 March 2012

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Tad’s mood today.

The Move had a great song called “Your Beautiful Daughter.” Here’s mine.

The Move had a great song called “Your Beautiful Daughter.” Here’s mine.

(Girl is modeling an Icebat hat, part of the Ugly Doll collection.)

I don’t hate people, I hate the things some people do. People are complicated bags of impulse, sometimes so crippled by their upbringing they don’t have much choice. That said, you can’t just let them run around loose, submitting legislation all over the place.

Tip jar is next to that rib cage there. Thanks.

Tip jar is next to that rib cage there. Thanks.

Get used to it, meat puppets.

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