News from the Tadlands: 2018 Edition

Happy 2018 everyone! May your new year be full of health, peace and good books to read!

2017 was a banner year in the Tadlands with two new Osten Ard books published. The Heart of What Was Lost was published back in January 2017 and The Witchwood Crown, book one of THE LAST KING OF OSTEN ARD followed suit in June 2017. Tad also toured extensively both in the US and abroad with a major European tour in October. On top of that he also finished the first draft of Empire of Grass, book two of LAST KING. He is currently revising his first draft of that with input from his trusted beta readers. Once the draft is finalized, he will delve right into the writing of The Navigator´s Children, the third and final book in the trilogy.

What else will 2018 hold in store? The Heart of What Was Lost has just been published in a nice new trade paperback edition by Daw Books in the US. The trade paperback edition of the The Witchwood Crown will follow in May 2018.

And in the spring, we will have a surprise for you! So, stay tuned for more news from the Tadlands.



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