Book tour adventures # 1

Flyer for Swiss/German Tour

Together with his wife, business manager and sometime co-author Deborah Beale, Tad Williams toured Europe to promote the release of The Witchwood Crown for three weeks in October and visited 5 countries and 18 cities.

Tad and Deborah met many, many enthusiastic readers from all over Europe, signed countless copies of Tad´s books and gave a lot of interviews to bloggers and print and radio journalists . A number of Tad´s events were recorded and most certainly many pictures were taken by readers and shared via various social media. With this post we would like to share some of the excitement of the tour and compile all the videos, pictures and interviews in one place, so that you can follow Tad and Deborah through Europe (at least virtually).


The grand adventure started with Tad´s only appearance in Switzerland in the wonderful city of Bern at the Stauffacher bookstore.

Tad signs in Bern

Some more pictures from the event can be found HERE and HERE. There is also the first radio interview Tad did on this tour.


For the premier German event in Berlin at the Festsaal Kreuzberg Tad was joined on stage by actor Detlef Bierstedt (who read the German passages from The Witchwood Crown) and moderator Bernhard Robben, who led through the evening.


Tad also gave a couple of interviews in Berlin.

There is also a radio interview that concentrates on OTHERLAND done for Deutschlandfunk (there is a German translation, but the original English interview is also available). HERE is another interview with German blog Fantasyblogger.


For his next German event, Tad was joined on stage by writer Björn Springorum, who moderated the evening at the Hugendubel bookstore.

German blogger Tobi, who won a Meet & Greet with Tad has blogged about his meeting with Tad HERE.


The next German event was a very special one, because it was co-organised and co-hosted by long-time Tad reader and message board regular Ylva. A lot of message board regulars from several European countries met in Kassel and made this a very memorable event at the Buchhandlung am Bebelplatz.

First, we have the whole bookstore event filmed:

  1. Readings from The Witchwood Crown in German and English

2. The Q & A session afterwards

3. A summary video of the complete event

4. A short outtake of Ylva singing from The Witchwood Crown.

The local newspaper in Kassel reported the event quite extensively with a pre-event article highlighting the friendship of Ylva and Tad and a second article after the event (not online). There is also a wonderful picture of the lively dinner Tad and Deborah had with some of their readers from the message board on this site HERE.

There is also a complete thread on the message board about the Kassel event HERE and Ylva posted her own recap of the wonderful day HERE.


Tad´s next events took him to Frankfurt where he had several events at the Frankfurt Book Fair as well as an evening event at the Buchhandlung Schutt and a secret living room reading. Tad signed on the Book Fair on Saturday and Sunday and had very long signing lines.

HERE is an interview conducted by German blogger Astrolibrium for a Bavarian radio station. And HERE is another interview with blog Janetts Meinung.

And bloggers Book Walk and Miss Paperback did a video interview with Tad:


In Hannover at the Literarische Salon, Tad was again joined by Detlef Bierstedt, who brought his daughter Marie with him to read from the German edition of The Witchwood Crown. Moderator for the evening was Michelle Gyo.

HERE is a pre-event article from a local online magazine. And HERE is another article from a big local newspaper after the event. And HERE is a great interview conducted during Tad´s stay in Hannover.


Tad´s next events took him to Mannheim for an afternoon signing and to beautiful Heidelberg for another evening event.


Stuttgart is Tad´s “home away from home” as he often said, because he has been to this German city frequently since his German publisher Klett-Cotta resides there. Also, he has been a frequent guest to the Dragon Days festival in Stuttgart.

Tad had various events in Stuttgart: another afternoon bookstore signing, plus he advised in an interactive novel workshop for digital storytelling, but his big event was his reading at the Stuttgart library that was live-streamed by German book community Lovelybooks.
The local newspaper had a wonderful article about the event HERE.

The complete video from Tad´s event at the library

The event included a reading by Tad in English, a German reading by actress Barbara Stoll, a Q & A  with Tad and a special musical performance by Sebastian Barwinek, the bard of Osten Ard, who performed two songs written by Tad.

Another interview with Tad in Stuttgart


Tad´s next event was actually at a cinema! There is also a local newspaper article HERE.


The event at the Comix Time bookstore was a very special one, because the dedicated booksellers won this in a contest Klett-Cotta hosted in the spring.

You can watch the Q & A with Tad on their Facebook site HERE. There are also photos!

There are also two local newspaper articles about the event HERE and HERE.

This concluded the German part of the tour. Tad´s next events took him to Great Britain!

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