Tad on tour: Press review

Tad is still on his tour through Germany (before he continues on to Great Britain, the Netherlands and Belgium).

Please check the schedule for dates and venues for the complete tour HERE.

We have already shared some photos from Tad´s events in Switzerland and Germany with you HERE.

Today we have some more pictures, as well as some video material and links to new interviews and articles published in the last couple of days.

Kassel (Reading and Signing) October 13th, 2017
Buchhandlung am Bebelplatz 

Photos courtesy of Frank Gerhold

Best of Video of Kassel Reading

Moderator Ylva von Löhneysen sings Seoman the Glorious

There is also a wonderful article (in German) in the local newspaper about the friendship of Ylva von Löhneysen and Tad Williams. 

Hannover (Reading and Signing) October 15th, 2017
Literarischer Salon

Photos courtesy of Sandra Wiegratz

There is also an article in the local newspaper (in German) about Tad´s reading in Hannover.

And a brand-new interview with Tad published prior to Tad´s reading.

And another interview conducted while Tad was in Berlin.

Blogger Tobi writes about his Meet & Greet with Tad prior to his reading in Munich.

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1 thought on “Tad on tour: Press review

  1. Last but not least our Radio Interview form the Frankfurt Book Fair with some mor than interesting answers to our questions… and some answers even to unasked questions..

    A great opportunity for the radio team..


    Only the intro of the interview is in german… the rest ist original and uncut…

    And here is my german review of The Witchwood Crow with some pictures of the interview. You´re welcome…


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