[Germany] Die Hexenholzkrone

The first half of the German translation of The Witchwood Crown has been published as Die Hexenholzkrone 1 by Tad´s longtime German publishers Klett-Cotta Hobbitpresse. And it is already a bestseller!

The second part, Die Hexenholzkrone 2, will follow on November 11th, 2017. The audiobook editions will be published by Der Hörverlag on October 30th, 2017 and December 11th, 2017 respectively.

Don´t forget that Tad will be on a major German book tour in October. All information about dates, venues and how to purchase tickets can be found HERE.

Die Hexenholzkrone will be available in hardcover, ebook and audiobook editions.


[September 17th, 2017]
Marcus of Bücherkaffee reviews the book HERE:

[September 29th, 2017]
Fantasyblogger reviews the German edition HERE:

[September 30th, 2017]
Anna of
Buchstabenträumerei reviews the book HERE:

[October 3rd, 2017]
Tobi of Lesestunden reviews the book HERE.
He also has a wonderful review of all the previous Osten Ard novels HERE.

[October 10th, 2017]
Blog Captain Fantastic has another great review HERE.

[October 17th, 2017]
Blog Papiergeflüster reviews the book HERE.

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