The Heart of What Was Lost: More Reviews!

The Heart of What Was Lost has been officially published for a couple of days now on both sides of the Atlantic and the delighted reviews and reactions from readers just keep pouring in.

The reviews on Goodreads and Amazon also continue to be very, very positive.

This week´s highlights are:

NPR has a very thoughtful review:

Balancing warmth with grimness, and gentle bits of humor with violence and vengeance, Williams has tapped back into the dynamic that made Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn so absorbing […] Heart‘s brevity quickens the pace and condenses Williams’ wordier tendencies, making for a brisk, bracing war story packed with political intrigue, haunting magic, and heartstring-yanking buddy moments.

SFFWorld´s Rob H. Bedford shares his thoughts:

What Mr. Williams does with even greater skill is lend the “enemies” of the human armies – the ethereal Sithi – significant weight in terms of sympathy and empathy.  Of course they oversaw some great atrocities at the behest of their now defeated Storm King Ineluki, but their part of the story has always been tragic and deep with the sorrow of things lost and dying. Not only are the Sithi fighting for the survival of their race, but also for their cultural identity.

Aidan Moher has a glowing review at Barnes & Noble´s Sci-Fi and Fantasy Blog.

With the skill and subtlety he’s known for, Williams expands on his classic trilogy, adding layers and layers of complexity to events that seemed very black and white by the end of the trilogy. Even better, it offers tantalizing hints at what’s to come in The Witchwood Crown, a full-fledged sequel sure to rewrite much of what we thought we knew about Osten-Ard, its new monarchs, and the tumultuous relationship between the Sithi and their northern cousins, the Norns.

Some wonderful reader reviews have also been published on a number of blogs:

Ivynettle published a great review from the perspective of a long-time reader.
As did Ylvs here, another reader, who is very familiar with Tad´s works.
And another long-time reader, Tamishu, reviews the book on her blog, too.
Rhonda Moore published her review here.
Rick has a wonderful review on his blog, too.
JoJo the Bookaholic also loves the book.
As does Bob Milne at Beauty in Ruins.
Parmenionbooks adds their review here.
The Arched Doorway has its review here.
Unbound World gives us five reasons to read.
And finally, Kevin Koperski has a wonderful tribute/review up on his blog.

Last weeks round-up #1:
The British Daily Mail has a fabulous review:
Ebookwyrm´s Blog Cave has a spoiler-free review.
Pat´s Fantasy Hotlist also has a great review.
Blog Dusk Before Dawn has some in-depth book notes.
The Speculative Herald gives the book high marks.
Geek In has a special video review of The Heart of What Was Lost.


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