The Heart of What Was Lost: First Reviews!

The first reviews and reactions for Tad´s first new Osten Ard novel in over twenty years are in. The book is due to be published officially next week, but copies have been appearing in bookstores on both sides of the Atlantic already, so if you are desperate for your first great read of the new year, you might be lucky to find The Heart of What Was Lost at your favorite bookseller already!

The British Daily Mail has a fabulous review:

In this thrilling, pitch perfect, mini epic, Tad Williams lays the groundwork for a new story cycle in his old world of Osten Ard after a 20-year absence.

Ebookwyrm´s Blog Cave has a spoiler-free review.

I can safely and happily say that after only a few pages reading The Heart of What Was Lost it was clear that we were back in Osten Ard I remember and all was good. I guess it was the literary equivalent of comfy slippers and a favourite arm chair.

Pat´s Fantasy Hotlist also has a great review.

In the end, The Heart of What Was Lost is the perfect companion book for anyone who loved Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn and the perfect setup book for The Last King of Osten Ard.

Blog Dusk Before Dawn has some in-depth book notes:

Returning there was indeed the sweet breath of cold fresh icy Nakkiga mountain air that Memory, Sorrow and Thorn  fans have been waiting for. And, since it made me want more, luckily the three books in the new series, The Last King of Osten Ard, are not far behind.

The Speculative Herald gives the book high marks:

For those who read and enjoyed the original trilogy, The Heart of What Was Lost is a welcome return to familiar world and a tantalizing appetizer while we wait for the main course.

And finally, Geek In has a special video review of The Heart of What Was Lost that is completely spoiler-free.

Also, the book community Goodreads has some lovely reader comments.


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1 thought on “The Heart of What Was Lost: First Reviews!

  1. just got my copy today.. really looking forward to reading it and finding out what happened to Simon and the rest of the characters.

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