The Heart of What Was Lost

OUT NOW in Mass-Market Paperback from Daw Books in the US
Also available in the UK, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic and Russia (as of May 2019).

A short sequel to the epic Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy, which propelled Tad Williams into bestseller status and defined him as one of the most important fantasy writers of our time.

The Heart of What Was Lost is a direct sequel to Tad Williams To Green Angel Tower, the New York Times bestselling third volume of his high fantasy trilogy, Memory, Sorrow, and ThornHeart takes place between the end of that beloved novel and its year-later epilogue, and tells the story of how newly-crowned King Simon and Queen Miriamele´s forces, drove the Norns, the most human-antagonistic fae race, back into their mountain stronghold and out of the lands of men. Combining characters from the first trilogy and the upcoming second trilogy, The Heart of What Was Lost is a perfect bridge novel and introduction to The Witchwood Crown, the upcoming first volume of The Last King of Osten Ard, which will be published just three months after this novel.

Daw Books, US (January 3rd, 2017)
Hardcover, ISBN 9780756412487
Ebook, ISBN 9780756412494
Audiobook Download, ISBN 9781524735456
Trade Paperback, ISBN 9780756413835
Mass-market Paperback, ISBN 9780756412500

Hodder & Stoughton, UK (January 5th, 2017)
Hardcover, ISBN 9781473646636
Ebook, ISBN 9781473646667
Audiobook Download, ISBN 9781473646926
Paperback, ISBN 9781473646650

As Das Herz der verlorenen Dinge
Klett-Cotta: Hobbit Presse, Germany (March 11th, 2017)
Hardcover, ISBN 9783608961447
Audiobook (mp3), ISBN 
Trade Paperback, ISBN 9783608963991 

As Het Hart van Steen
Luitingh-Sijthoff, Netherlands (May 22nd, 2017)

Trade Paperback, ISBN 9789024575152

As Serce Åšwiata Utraconego
Rebis: Poland (October 24th, 2017)
Trade Paperback, ISBN 9788380622005

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1 thought on “The Heart of What Was Lost

  1. Absolutely thrilled to hear about the upcoming sequel and new trilogy. Keep up the excellent storytelling Mr. Williams.

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