New French E-Book Editions of Memory, Sorrow and Thorn

Tad´s French paperback publisher Pocket has for the first time licensed French ebook editions of Memory, Sorrow and Thorn, which have been published by digital publisher 12-21 in May 2016.

The complete story of Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is available in 8 Ebook volumes:

These new editions are available for download from your favorite download portal.

Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is also still available in three large paperback volumes from Pocket.

L´Arcane Des Épées Integrale I
(The Dragonbone Chair) ISBN 9782266235051.
L´Arcane Des Épées Integrale II
(Stone of Farewell/To Green Angel Tower Part One) ISBN 9782266235075.
L´Arcane Des Épées Integrale III
(To Green Angel Tower Part 2-4) ISBN 9782266236263.

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