Shadowmarch in Germany

On October 14th, Tad´s longtime German publisher Klett-Cotta launched its new imprint Hobbit Presse Paperback. The first list of this new imprint includes new paperback editions of all four Shadowmarch novels. These books, originally published in Germany in gorgeous hardcover editions by Klett-Cotta between 2005 and 2011, have never been published in paperback in Germany before.

For these new editions Klett-Cotta created a completely new look for the series with new artwork by artist Max Meinzold. The new jackets were designed by Birgit Gitschier.

Simultaneously, Klett-Cotta has re-released all four Shadowmarch e-books with the new artwork at mass-market paperback price.

Book 1: Shadowmarch: Die Grenze (Shadowmarch)
Book 2: Shadowmarch: Das Spiel (Shadowplay)
Book 3: Shadowmarch: Die Dämmerung (Shadowrise)
Book 4: Shadowmarch: Das Herz (Shadowheart)

Additionally, Tad´s German Audio publisher, Der Hörverlag, has started releasing unabridged audiobooks of the Shadowmarch novels in digital and physical editions. The audiobooks are read by David Nathan.

Book 1: Shadowmarch: Die Grenze (digital download)
Book 1: Shadowmarch: Die Grenze (mp3 CD)

Listen to a extract!

Book 2: Shadowmarch: Das Spiel (digital download)
Book 2: Shadowmarch: Das Spiel (mp3 CD)

Listen to an extract!

Book 3: Shadowmarch: Die Dämmerung (digital download, June 2016)
Book 3: Shadowmarch: Die Dämmerung (mp3 CD, June 2016)

Listen to an extract!

Book 4: Shadowmarch: Das Herz (digital download, October 2016)
Book 4: Shadowmarch: Das Herz (mp3 CD, October 2016)

Listen to an extract! (Coming Soon)

All of Tad´s German-language audiobooks (alongside with all of his currently available English-language titles) are also available for download from Audible.

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