The Devil’s Boom Box

26 August 2014


The Daily Tad

You’re just driving down the road, then, boom — you’re in the 70s all over again.

And knowing is half the battle.

The Moon Smells: Apollo Astronauts Describe Lunar Aroma
The moon has a distinctive smell. Ask any Apollo moonwalker about the odiferous nature of the lunar dirt and you’ll get the same answer. The moon smells like gunpowder.

They’re blaming it on lane-tape problems. I’m wondering if they had the Floyd cranked up a bit too loud and a cloud of smoke interfering with their vision, if you know what I mean.

Bad lane striping causes confusion on I-66 (Photos)
A lane-striping mishap on Interstate 66 in Fairfax County has some drivers confused Monday morning.

25 August 2014


The Daily Tad

24 August 2014


The Daily Tad


An idle mind is the devil’s boom box.

When God makes you a skate park, you don’t ask questions.


Skaters on Meadowbrook Lane in Napa found an upside to earthquake damage. NBC Bay Area photographer Jeremy Carroll shot some video: Be safe out there. Gov. Brown declared a state of emergency following this morning’s quake. Here’s the latest:

Pretty crafty of my wife, trying to kill me under the guise of doing something for charity (ALS awareness). Our daughter, Devon, took the video and added comments. Our son, Connor, slept through the whole thing.

Okay. Don’t go away, because there’s a second part where you get to see me bleed. (Not much, but it’s still evidence of being willing to go the distance for a good cause, ALS.)

I have been ice-bucket challenged. My wife is thrilled. She’s running up and down the stairs and in and out of the office full of ideas.

Film at 11. Or sooner. Whee.

23 August 2014


The Daily Tad


When I was little, we only got car trips to the mountains. These guys get to fight the Chitauri.

I hope some of my conservative friends (and I do mean friends) will see this and realize how many truly angry, crazy people are using the same language they use, the rants of “illegitimate president” and “anti-Christian” and “persecuted whites”, to justify their insane, horrifying fantasies.

And you wonder why some of us don’t trust the “good guys with guns”?

“I kill everybody, I Don’t Care.” Mentally Deranged, Right Wing Fanatic Cop Suspended In…
A fourth police officer has been suspended in St. Louis, after a violent episode in which he pushed CNN reporter Don Lemon….

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