The Quiet Oddness

Tad’s Facebook Posts June 5 – 11

11 June 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

I’m tapping my fingers impatiently, NASA. Let’s get it on.

NASA Has Designed a Futuristic Warp Drive Ship Right Out of ‘Star Trek’


10 June 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

I love the quiet oddness of this story.

Road sign leaves Welsh-speakers bewildered


Just to remind you that you’re not safe from me and my friends just because I’m severely jet lagged. We’ll sweep over you in slow waves yet, you miserable uppy-balancing fast-walkers. Soon, your world will be ours. Okay, not “soon” soon. But soon.

9 June 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

I was just asking about these statistics this morning, and here they are, thoughtfully wrapped by David Brin and the Christian Science Monitor.

Seattle campus shooting: How often do bystanders stop mass killings?


Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’,
Get those skin scraps rollin’,
Dust mite!

The irony (or some other cough-inducing substance) has clearly choked up the guy introducing this great cover version.

I am extremely sorry to hear of the death of Rik Mayall. A favorite of many of us in SF&F, despite not being an explicitly SF&F star, he’ll be missed.

I am back. Got in yesterday after a perfectly safe but grueling trip home. (About twenty-two or so sticky hours on planes and in airports.) Everybody happy to see me, all animals alive and well, including teenagers. Johnny Large Dog did another of his fabulous tail-propellors for me (his plus-plus happiness state, where excited wagging goes into 360-degree spinning tail action.) Back with my loved ones after a very nice trip. Will report more later and also leap back into the surging maelstrom of silliness and irritation that is Facebook in general. Meanwhile, slightly head-squoze with -lag du jet-, hence the profile picture.

7 June 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

Okay, it’s now two-thirtyish in the morning, German time, and the moment has come for me to pack the keyboard and computer away.

I’ve had a fab time in Stuttgart, hanging out with booksellers and publishers — thanks Stephan! — and the cool folks at Dragon Days — thanks Tobi and Jessica! — and a large contingent of my beloved Smarchers. (That’s what we call ourselves on the message board, going back to the days when it was the Shadowmarch message board.) It’s always like family when we get together, as we have now many times, in several countries.

And now it’s pack-the-suitcase, fly-in-the-air time. Back to Deb and kids and dogs and cat and lizard and the uniquely scented, abundantly fur-festooned, charmingly maddening hive of friendly scum and gentle villainy I call home.

This is excellent fun. And mad skillz.

Nobody Expected THIS To Happen When These Four Women Walked On Stage. Whoa!


My credo!

6 June 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

5 June 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

Why, oh why, is my work not widespread enough to bring me fascinating, insightful commenters like this? GRRM, you are one lucky neckbeard.

Guy Goes Crazy After The Last Game Of Thrones Episode. This Is The Best Status Ever.

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