Fanged Dentures For My Chickens

Tad’s Facebook Posts Feb 5 – 11

11 February 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

10 February 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

Pretty sure I stole this from the same friend who unwittingly provided me with the Urban Druid. If you recognize your photos, please step forward for a hearty handshake and a coupon worth five cents off on tomorrow’s profile picture.

9 February 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

8 February 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

We tried to hatch baby mantids in our yards a couple of times, but although they all came out fine and dispersed, I never saw but one in our yard, and since that was as many as I’d seen in the years before we tried hatching our own, I can’t even be sure it was from our brood.

Anyone who’s read OTHERLAND can guess that I love -mantidae-.

7 February 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

6 February 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

5 February 2014


Tad’s Mood Today

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