Idle Thumbs Are the Devil’s Cheese Doodles

Had excellent fun playing music. I think we’re going to record some songs soon. I do love music. But also, it is The Silly that I love, and my musical friends are very, very. Continue reading
Had excellent fun playing music. I think we’re going to record some songs soon. I do love music. But also, it is The Silly that I love, and my musical friends are very, very. Continue reading
I warned you, damn it! First the Swarmbunnies, now the Wahpocalypse is upon us. Next it will be the Great Hamsterclysm, then you might as well ring down the curtain on humanity. Continue reading
What Facebook is for: so I can make my weird little offhand jokes to slightly more people than the number of humans I can discomfort at any one time in real life. I’m modest, see. I don’t need a weekly television show. I just want to consistently annoy and dismay a small, select few. Continue reading
I wonder if I could make a living just writing things on the computer all day? Oh, wait, that’s what I do. But could I make a living writing really short things, like this, on the internet? Things like this, but interesting. They would probably have to be interesting. Continue reading