Made of Awake

Tad’s Facebook Posts Oct 2 – Oct 8

8 October 2013


Tad’s Mood Today

I always wanted to be Ilya Kuryakin, just like I always wanted to be Brian Jones instead of Mick Jagger. I identified with the blonds who got pushed out of the spotlight, for some reason. Despite being a pretty inveterate spotlight-pusher-outer-of myself.

7 October 2013


Tad’s Mood Today

6 October 2013


Tad’s Mood Today

I decided I wouldn’t talk politics today. It’s cute kittens instead!

5 October 2013


Tad’s Mood Today

Hoop season coming! This is Earl Boykins. Played for the Warriors for a while. Good guy. (NOTE: Not Actually This Small.)

4 October 2013


Tad’s Mood Today

The excellent Kari Byron, from Mythbusters.

3 October 2013


Tad’s Mood Today

I suspect that since this must be 1980 at the very latest, you’re either seeing “peace” or the British version of flipping the bird. Or even possibly the Brit “V for Victory”. It can mean all those.

2 October 2013


Tad’s Mood Today

Kareem. Congas. Yeah.

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