Chaotic Patterns

Tad’s Facebook Posts June 26 – July 2

2 July 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

There are certain parts of a gentleman . . . or a boy dog . . . that do not like to be dipped suddenly into cold water. You don’t need photoshop to get that expression.

I’m very interested in what people will think about Happy Hour In Hell. It was a fascinating, weird, fun (and occasionally extremely disturbing) book to write.

1 July 2013

[singlepic id=1526 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

Some glitch on FB isn’t letting me update my profile picture, so we’ll be doing Gangnam Gandhi a bit longer. Break me off a little somethin’-somethin’, Mohandas K!

30 June 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

29 June 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

I really love you and I mean you
the star above you, crystal blue
Well, oh baby, my hairs on end about you…

—Syd Barrett, “Terrapin”

Deb and I watched BRIGHT STAR last night, the Campion film about Keats and Fanny Brawne. We both really enjoyed it — I was surprised by how much it moved me. Very resonant with Deb and my own story, of course, thank God we had happier, healthier, luckier lives. Still, a very intense movie, but very much about small things and big feelings.

28 June 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

It’s too freakin’ hot. The cats are melting.

I wish I had more energy to write on Facebook, since it’s part of the hive mind of the human race, but it’s hard to find the git-up after a day of writing sometimes, to do more. (At least of the long, important sort that real bloggers do so much better than I do.)

It’s too bad, because the rest of the day I am quippy as hell. Honestly. So damn funny they had to change the local zoning laws.


Been ogling this. An enhanced image of an electrical jolt. I find chaotic patterns oddly comforting sometimes.

I love Santa Cruz. Driving back, it was 104 degrees at the top of the hill, 81 by the time we got down to our place. Ah. Much better.

27 June 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

I’ve been listening to British skiffle music tonight, for no reason I could possibly articulate. I’ve decided that it’s a lot like gin. A reasonable dose is lovely. Too much and someone’s going to get hurt.

26 June 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

It’s my hooray picture. As in, “hooray, some horrible, bigoted laws got struck down, and that’s a hell of a lot better than what happened yesterday!”

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1 thought on “Chaotic Patterns

  1. greetings from the muddy waters of Louisiana. just wanna say I love your books mr Williams and am looking forward to more shadow march……

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