Tad’s Facebook Posts June 19 – 25
25 June 2013
Tad’s Mood Today
This supreme court, at least the current majority of five of them, is a ghastly, anti-human collection of trolls. Conservatives, so-called, who believe no intrusion by government or law enforcement is bad unless it helps average citizens. Conservatives, so-called, who think that power is always right. They should be ashamed of themselves, but of course they’re not.
Song with best lyrics ever, please. I trust my vote for “The Piña Colada Song” is a given.
24 June 2013
Tad’s Mood Today
More sad news. This whole mortality thing needs a re-think. I volunteer to be the mineshaft canary.
Mick Aston dead: Time Team archaeologist passes away aged 66
Every time I consider giving up on the human race, I go out into the world and meet a bunch of really nice people. Just had several really lovely encounters at Fed Ex and the grocery and pharmacy. Maybe the species really is worth saving.
23 June 2013
Tad’s Mood Today
I’ve been listening to Goats Head Soup tonight. Haven’t listened to it in quite a while. I’m a Stones fanboy (well, I’m a rock and roll fanboy in general), so I was thinking about how it was considered at the time to be a disappointment. I honestly believe the main problem was that the most obvious single was named “Doo Doo Doo Doo” when they just should have called it “Heartbreaker” and had done with it. Anyway, it’s always tricky, trying to leave albums long enough to be able to hear them afresh, but this was pretty easy — it had literally been years. I have more respect for the record than I did before the re-listen. Not one of their very best, but still with a lot to recommend it.
(It’s been that kind of a night. As I was driving earlier tonight I was listening with attention to George Harrison’s really entertaining guitar work on “What Goes On”, a much-ignored (as much as a Beatles song can be) Ringo vehicle from Rubber Soul. It’s only real distinction is that it’s the only Lennon-McCartney-Starkey credit. Anyway, I was so glad I finally paid attention to the guitar. Okay, fanboy out.)
I am always absorbed by deteriorating pleasure-domes. Pripyat was the main inspiration for Shoreline Park’s Merryland in the Bobby Dollar books.
This stuff fascinates me (I’ve got some inflammatory problems myself) and I also have a lot of friends who suffer from this. I hope this really does lead to something good.
Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved!
22 June 2013
Tad’s Mood Today

I didn’t know about this, but it will now wind up in one of my books. Dang, I love this a lot.
Sand castle,Esperanza, Vieques, PR
Image Credit : sandcastlematt
Watching the struggles in places like Montgomery and Birmingham was a big (and very influential) part of my childhood. We can learn and we can move on, or we can try to stay in the past, which only means we @$%# up the present.
Montgomery, AL Police Chief: The Apology Heard ‘Round The World
21 June 2013
Tad’s Mood Today
Mike is one of my very favorite-est artists, and he and his wife Christine are also really cool people.
The perfect beginning to my Friday. Thanks, Jay!
20 June 2013
Tad’s Mood Today
Some humanity shines through.
Leading ‘Ex-Gay’ Organization Closes, Apologizes To LGBT Community
19 June 2013
Tad’s Mood Today
Hey, gang! It’s the apocalypse!