Ratcheted Equilibrium

Tad’s Facebook Posts April 23 – 30

30 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

After some consideration, I am still not sure whether I am the most introverted extrovert I know, or the most extraverted introvert.

Between jet lag and massive poison oak events on both arms, I have been a more cheerful guy. It’s kind of like having mini-flu — itches, fever shakes, sudden collapses — without getting the flu-sympathy.

I feel like posting one of those “I have an invisible illness” memes, except my forearms look like gator legs, so it’s not really all that invisible.

One of my dogs gave me the poison oak as a welcome-home present. Just to cheer me up while I was poleaxed by jet lag. Whee.

29 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

A love song for a spring evening. Embellished by Radiohead.

RadioHead- Nobody does it Better(live)

Watching a blue jay — the crested variety — casing the bird feeder, cagey but aggressive, head bobbing as it stalks the perimeter and make the other birds nervous. It’s so much like Jurassic Park, I feel like I should be paying extra to see it on the wide screen of my office windows.

28 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today


I can’t help it. It’s Truth.

A General Note: Nothing wrong with passing along a Facebook meme you like, but it does not, repeat not, count as “effecting political change.”

I was just thinking about baby names, since several of my FB friends have relatively new little ones. Our oldest son, now 16 and six feet tall, is still “Bean”, which originally came from a Captain Beefheart song (Big Eyed Beanz From Venus) and went through many permutations. Somewhere along the way, though, he shed “Mixmaster Woozle” and “Young Doctor Root Vegetable”. But to me, he will always be the young doctor.

27 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

Hello, my new friends! Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable. I’m going to put on my sweater and my slippers, now. Blood comes right off of them.

26 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

That was my night last night. Mostly self-inflicted.

25 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

I’ve got interesting stuff on my mind. I’ll share it with you as soon as it starts to solidify. If it solidifies. But it’s definitely past fluid and into viscous and beginning to think of hardening at the edges.

By the way, we are now into our final octomob. Congratulations, fifth octo-smart-mob, and welcome to the sixth-ers. Your numbers will never reach those of the previous, because we’ve only got five-hundred+ spots to go, but the heights of glory you reach are up to you. Go thou and mob well!

24 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

Every place I go there is a hole into Tad’s brain. Just think about that. You’re never safe.

23 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

I have returned from my Antipodean Excursion. Further updates as the brain cells cycle back into local time zone.

What galaxy are we in again?

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