The Fifth Octomob

Tad on Facebook

7 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

I admire families who do things together.

Late update. Life bimbles along, and all is relatively happy. Literally, because our beloved sister-in-law Tracie is in town from England visiting, and she arrived safely. We are relieved. There was a hostage situation at the airport, so it was a little scary, but I explained to the NTSA that we were Tracie’s family and then I convinced her to free the hostages.

6 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

Back in business today. Came home with a new computer — it was time long ago — and made the mistake of lazily deciding to transfer all the info wirelessly from my old one. I should have spent the extra half hour finding an Ethernet cord, because wireless transfer took like nine plus hours and of course I had neither machine.

I was machine-less! (Well, except for the television, iPhone, and god knows what other gadgets.) But it was a panicky time. I had to read and play the guitar and watch the Giants and the Warriors on TV. Whoa. Close one. I almost died.

5 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

4 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

Oh, and before I forget, the most important thing about today: We got to have one! Lucky us alive people!

Facebook question: What percentage of time do you spend on your own wall, as separate from the main feed or various other organizations of FB information?

Good godamighty crackerjack, I think we’ve only got a few dozen new FB friends to go before we close out the fifth Octomob and start the last one. Hosanna suzanna, how time flies!

Okay, if you’ve recently taken a dangerous hallucinogen of any kind, don’t watch this.

Neil Patrick Harris and Kelly Ripa inhale sulfur hexafluoride

3 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

2 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

You will know I have reached senility (or coma) when a Ramones song comes on and I do not immediately demand it be turned up. At that point, just unplug me from social media and put me on an ice floe to die with dignity.


Josh D: However, I often wonder if there’s a story to be told with Josua’s twins, after Aditu’s possible prophecy.

Tad: Actually, I started thinking about writing some stuff about Josua and Vorzheva’s twins. Ideally, I’ll keep writing Bobby Dollars, which are fast, and also finally get around to starting my Osten Ard thing/collection/novellas with wraparound story, A CHRONICLE IN STONE, within the next year.

1 April 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

31 March 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

Whatever today is to you, may it bring you peace and joy.

30 March 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

And so it’s Goodbye Monkey Brick Road. See you next March, noble simians. Until then, don’t take any wire mothers!

Oh, man, “Wire Mommy” is def going to be a band name or album name or SOMETHING. It’s on my to-do list.

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