Recent and Forthcoming Publications

Domestic and International Releases of Tad’s Books in 2013. (Click thumbnails to enlarge images.)

Just Published

Die Geheimnisse der TinkerfarmDie Geheimnisse der Tinkerfarm (The Secrets of Ordinary Farm) German trade paperback reprint, Klett-Cotta: January 2013.

Der DrachenbeinthronDer Drachenbeinthron (The Dragonbone Chair) German unabridged audiobook (read by Andreas Fröhlich) 4 mp3 CDs, Hörverlag: February 2013.

La Ferme des DragonsLa Ferme des Dragons (The Dragons of Ordinary Farm) French trade paperback. First French edition. Pocket: March 2013.


Der Blumenkrieg (The War of the Flowers) German unabridged audiobook (read by ?) Direct download. Audible Germany: May 2013.

Der AbschiedssteinDer Abschiedsstein (Stone of Farewell) German unabridged audiobook (read by Andreas Fröhlich) 4 mp3 CDs, Hörverlag: June 2013.

Ange Impur (The Dirty Streets of Heaven) First French trade paperback edition. Fetjaine: June 2013.

The Dirty Streets of HeavenThe Dirty Streets of Heaven. UK paperback reprint. Hodder & Stoughton: June 2013.

The Dirty Streets of Heaven. US paperback reprint. DAW Books: July 2013.

Die dunklen Gassen des HimmelsDie dunklen Gassen des Himmels (The Dirty Streets of Heaven) German Hardcover. First German Edition. Klett-Cotta: August 2013.

Happy Hour in HellHappy Hour in Hell. First hardcover edition. DAW Books: September 2013.

Happy Hour in Hell. First UK hardcover edition. Hodder & Stoughton: September 2013.

Happy Hour in Hell. First UK trade paperback (export) edition. Hodder & Stoughton: September 2013.

For Recent and Forthcoming Short Works, click here.

Many thanks to Olaf Keith for his valued assistance with collecting publication details.

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