Heeeeeeeere’s Johnny!

I’m overloaded with politics for the week, so I’m going to talk about something important. Dogs. And the new one we seem to have acquired. Continue reading
I’m overloaded with politics for the week, so I’m going to talk about something important. Dogs. And the new one we seem to have acquired. Continue reading
Tad will be joining the Inklings Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Club for a discussion of Tailchaser’s Song on Tuesday, March 26 at 6:00pm. Continue reading
Now, as for the birthday itself: very chill. I say that in the best possible sense. I’ve been working hard lately, so today I did nothing that I didn’t want to do. There was some work involved, in the form of an hour’s worth of book-thinking, but I love doing that, especially when I can combine it with drifting in and out of a nap. Continue reading
What follows below is the first chapter of a novel I have had fermenting in my brainpan for some time. Provisionally titled Midsummer Punk, it’s based on the summer I struck out on my own, ending up in Los Angeles just as the Punk music scene there was beginning to assert itself. Continue reading
And here’s one for the Old School folks: Jean Marsh with a raygun. “Your Upstairs ’bout to be your Downstairs, bee-otch!” Cuz that’s how Jean rolls. Bad ass. Continue reading
I have an exciting day ahead of me, work around the house fixing broken stuff, grocery shopping, and cleaning the turtle $@!% out of the turtle tank filter. Don’t know which is the most glamorous task, but they’re all the kind of thing that make my life a dynamic, non-stop party that millions envy. Continue reading