Not On This Plantation, Mister

Tad on Facebook

27 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

This guy is sixteen years old today. Happy Birthday, (Large) Boy! You’ve come a long way. Mostly vertically.

26 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

“But who am I to blow against the wind?”

Home from a lovely evening with Michael Marshall Smith and his fabulous wife Paula. We haven’t got to hang out with them in years — yonks, as we used to say when I was semi-Brit — since we moved back from England, and now they’re living in Santa Cruz. This is a Really Good Thing.

Also, every time we see Mike and Paula, we say, “We really must find a way to get to Brighton this year for World Fantasy Con.” We miss our British chums and co-fictioneers badly.

25 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

Hint: one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Not Lust.

24 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

Hump Day!

Entropy assures us that the universe will end long before there is a McDonalds in all these star systems. Thank God.

Entropy assures us that the universe will end long before there is a McDonalds in all these star systems. Thank God.

Seriously, though — nice pic, eh?

Vintage Brother Theodore (Gottlieb). As someone once said of him, “The funniest person to live through Dachau.” You may know him as the voice of Gollum in the original Rankin Bass animation. He was a semi-regular on Letterman way back when and was always weird and funny. He called his stuff “Stand-Up Tragedy.”

And here are some good quotes

“The only thing that keeps me alive is the hope of dying young.”

Brother Theodore – Food Sermon

23 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

The Return of Bunnyman!

After reading my last post, I’ve decided I’m not going to let Protestant Work Ethic be the depressing last note of my day.

Hence: The Return of Bunnyman!

The cat has had far more lap time than he has earned, which is zero, so he has no right to complain when I get up.

I am bravely turning my back of internet fun, not to mention literally dozens of books that I haven’t seen in a long time, which were in a box but are now all over my office floor. They’re like old friends and I want to get down and visit with all of them, but instead I’m going to go think plot-thoughts, because the Work is never Done. Not on this plantation, mister.

22 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

Just heard from very fine actor friend from my old theater days, David Del Valle. Yes, David, Facebook is a wonder that way! Makes it hard to successfully ditch your exes, though…

21 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

M. L. King is becoming like Jesus — everybody wants to claim him. Claim away. Argue the details. But live the message — kindness, hope, love, peace.

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