It’s Going to Have Swastikids

Tad on Facebook

20 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

“It’s illogical that you should control the kibble, Jim.”

RIP Stan Musial -- one of the all-time greatest.

RIP Stan Musial — one of the all-time greatest.

This is particularly for my friends Andrew and Rick, who will appreciate the 70s funk feel of this particular tune. I love this song — in fact, I love this whole record.

MGMT – Electric Feel

19 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

18 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

17 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

I choose to believe that this is an extremely happy alligator doing a happy-alligator dance.

I have no idea what’s actually going on in this photo, nor do I care to be informed. I choose to believe that this is an extremely happy alligator doing a happy-alligator dance.

The sudden warm twist after a week or so of arctic chill has made me realize that I’m less in touch with the orderly transition of days and months than I used to be, and much more connected to the seasons. The sudden back and forth of temperature has confused me much more than if I suddenly found out it was Tuesday and I’d thought it was Friday.

The inscription on Rene Descarte’s grave (that I just made up):

“He thought, therefore he was.
Until he wasn’t.”

Makes you think.

16 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

HAPPY HOUR IN HELL finished and off to my publishers tomorrow, then I get to start the next one. I’m really looking forward to that. It’s going to have swastikids, as well as authentic bugbears. And Amazons, too.

15 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

I am in shock to discover that I have an entire category of Facebook messages — “Other” — that have been there all along, since 2009 or whenever I joined the FaceBorg. God only knows how many there are. I just saw the first few and went cold with guilt and shame. I’ll never be able to answer them all.

But thanks for writing!

14 January 2013

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Tad’s Mood Today

If life gives you lemons, you’re supposed to make lemonade. If life gives you Holland, I guess make hollandaise…?

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