Tad’s Wall is a Big-Tent Wall

Tad on Facebook

7 November 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Here’s a Facebook culture thing that occasionally snags me. People think of things they post as “on their wall”, and thus theirs and personal as far as whether it’s appropriate to respond. I consider anything that shows up in my stream as being from someone who has already said they want to communicate with me, regardless of their politics or other issues, and thus fair game for a response from me. My own rules make me try to be reasonable and civil, of course. But what do the rest of you think? I’ve heard it from both liberals and conservatives — “my wall, take that bleep somewhere else” (not always directed at me by any means.) Where’s the line? Is there one, other than personal courtesy?

Apparently DIRTY STREETS OF HEAVEN is on the B. Dalton/B&N best-seller list for hardcovers. I have no idea what that precisely means, but it can’t be bad! Thanks for the support, readers and friends. (And, yes, you too, Mom. You can stop buying books now.)

I’m sorry. It is teh cute. I am its slave.


This is honestly not a gloat picture, it’s a funny picture. Well, funny to me. Because my dogs said it is.

This is honestly not a gloat picture, it’s a funny picture. Well, funny to me. Because my dogs said it is.

Okay, election’s over. That doesn’t mean politics will never be discussed, but Tad’s Wall is a big-tent wall. All men and women of good will are welcome. Conservatives need to vent. Liberals need to exult. But let’s remember that those of us who are Americans still need to live with each other.

End of sermon. Go thou and Wednesday well.

6 November 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

A friend asked me about the beef jerky wrappers in my car. I explained that I drive better when I can smell meat.

It’s funny, because Mi just shared someone else’s take on the meaning of tonight’s election, and it largely mirrors mine, another message to the Republicans and other conservatives.

Here’s what I think you GOP folk have failed to realize, or failed to put into effect. This is a pretty conservative country, more religious and more pro-capitalism (and more spooked by the mere notion of “socialism”) than the European democracies. You shouldn’t be getting trashed by up-and-coming demographics like Latinos and women, because they’re just as interested as everyone else in a sound economy and a bright, safe future. But you’re addicted to cutting taxes in favor of wealthy people and to empowering huge corporations, and you allow your right wing fringe to dominate the discussion and scare the crap out of normal people. There’s a difference between bold individualists and lone nuts, and too many of your supporters fit the second better than the first. Stop accusing others. If you want to win, do good things and boast about them. Be a party that deserves to gain back the White House, not a party of bitter, partisan resistance and nutcase theories.

Good luck. I say that sincerely.

Before we get too self-congratulatory, folks, let’s remember that about half the American people just voted for the most secretive candidate in history, a man who never held a firm position on anything, and who in all likelihood didn’t pay any taxes for years. Clearly we have work to do in this country.

God bless us, every one.

– me and Tiny Tim

I’m trying hard today to feel like an American instead of a partisan. It’s tough, but it beats anger and disgust.

Paranoid thought: They told Romney to stop talking the last week and hid Ryan so they could keep the race close enough to steal in the voting machines of Ohio and Florida and Pennsylvania.

Kids. They’re always right, even when they’re crazy as hell.

Kids. They’re always right, even when they’re crazy as hell.

5 November 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Just trying to shake off the last few months.

I was going to post something here, but when I finished it I realized I’d just written the saddest joke anyone ever wrote. I learned my lesson from Monty Python, though: I ate it. The world is safe, but I feel very bleak.

I trust that Evolution has an answer. I may not be around to see it, but I have faith.

True dat. And all out of the mouths of his own party. Tomorrow, folks!

Why Republicans say? you SHOULDN’T vote for Romney.

4 November 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

By the way, the first time I saw this picture, I thought for half a second it WAS me, instead of one I’d found on the net. But I never had a sweet 50s era Batman costume like that.

I swear, I’m not a mindless Beatles sycophant, but if “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make,” isn’t one of the damnedest, most perfect lines imaginable I don’t know what is.

I simply don’t believe there’s any rationale against this that holds water.

I simply don’t believe there’s any rationale against this that holds water.

Sports note: A. Luck, 27-43, 418 yds., 2 tds, no picks. Griffin is a great young player, but can we please take note of who is actually the best quarterback in that draft. Luck is making lemonade out of lemons in Indiana.

Any man left on the Rio Grande
Is the King of the World as far as I know…

-Steely Dan

3 November 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

I was grumpy about politics until twenty seconds ago, when I realized tonight is DSTime. I gain an hour. Hah! I win again! I RULE YOU, SUN!

Whatever happened to Paul Ryan? Wasn’t he a vice-presidential candidate? Has he been vigorously working the licensed accountancy circuit, trying to shore up that crucial demographic, or perhaps making surprise appearances at pet stores to groom other people’s poodles? Somehow, I keep missing him.

2 November 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

He stood tall, golden, and almost immovable, while Sandra raged. Almost. I mean, there was a -little- movement.

He stood tall, golden, and almost immovable, while Sandra raged.

Almost. I mean, there was a -little- movement.

1 November 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

I’m sorry, but is there anything more pointless and pathetic to someone craving sweets than store-bought sugar cookies? My damn kids have hidden their Halloween candy. This is just wrong.

If you haven’t read the Romney-taxes-Mormon-charity-exemption news stories, please do. The bottom line — the man was taking a perfectly legal (once) loophole to an absurd degree that he knows makes him look like a scummy rich bastard dodging taxes, while normal people who can’t afford this kind of welfare-to-the-rich stuff suffered through bad economic times.

A shout-out to all my East Coast homeys. Facebook isn’t the same without you. You can hear the echoes now and the halls seem empty.

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