Tad Is Happy

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4 September 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

I love this picture so much.

I love this picture so much. This is some seriously suspicious @%$# going on here, but if you know what’s really going on, don’t you dare tell me. I’m much happier writing my own scenarios.

The reviews for DIRTY STREETS have been great. The only thing that puzzles me is that some reviewers seem to find “Bobby Dollar” a strange or unsuccessful choice of name for the lead character. -Chacun á son gout-, of course, but to me it seems to go perfectly well with the Damon-Runyon-type nicknames of his other angel co-workers, people like Young Elvis, Jimmy the Table, and Kool Filter and, like many of theirs, is based on his angel name, “Doloriel”. Not complaining, just interested that this stuck out for some people.

THE DIRTY STREETS OF HEAVEN has now officially dropped. Tad is happy.

The more I observe politics, the more I become convinced that not enough people understand the concept of gray areas — things that just can’t be made black or white, that have to be winked at and ignored, a la Casablanca. It’s a crucial part of any functioning system.

Dredging deep into the nostalgia mines. Just suddenly wanted to hear this song, thought some of you might like it too. Nice recent live version.

Moody Blues – Question – Royal Albert Hall

3 September 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

2 September 2012

[singlepic id=894 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

A charming bedtime picture of a boy and his pet to help waft you off to dreamland. CAN I HAZ HYOOMAN BLUD, MASTER?

A charming bedtime picture of a boy and his pet to help waft you off to dreamland. CAN I HAZ HYOOMAN BLUD, MASTER?

I been gettin’ stuff DONE y’all. Finished a short story for a cool anthology, fed and cleaned the turtle and his environs, changed and cleaned the lizard tank (that’s a big ‘un) and changed the cat box. And the Giants won and Xavier Nady Rules Everything Around Me, so I’m in a good mood. I’m gonna go do me a big old heap of nothing.

Adventure Time!

I just wrote a long, thoughtful bit about a party I was at tonight and nice people and national politics, but when I read through it before hitting the button, it was as boring as muffler shop magazines. But don’t worry, you won’t have to read it. It went where all the bad ideas go, and is currently putting the lotion back in the basket. BUT NOT FAST ENOUGH. OH, STOP WHIMPERING, YOU LITTLE $#%&.

1 September 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Don’t #@$% with Monstercat.

Sometimes I make a joke, and even I don’t know what it means. But it -feels- funny to me.

31 August 2012

[singlepic id=892 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today


Preston: Would definitely land on its feet…
Tad: And land on its feet. And land on its feet. And land on its feet…

30 August 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

And now I’m off. To bed, I mean. Leave you with this evening’s musical selection, my little tribute to a man and his imaginary friend. Drive home safely.

Clint Eastwood – Gorillaz

“The mother of all dwarfsploitation films.” It says so right on the poster, so there’s no use trying to convince me otherwise. This argument is OVER.

“The mother of all dwarfsploitation films.” It says so right on the poster, so there’s no use trying to convince me otherwise. This argument is OVER.

Of course, this cried out for immediate shareage.

Of course, this cried out for immediate shareage.

See if you can guess where the story I’m writing today is set.

See if you can guess where the story I’m writing today is set.

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