‘The Dirty Streets of Heaven’ Early Reviews: Readers Love Bobby Dollar

Advance review copies of Tad’s latest book, The Dirty Streets of Heaven, have been circulating for a couple of weeks, and early reviews are coming in. Here is a round-up of what readers are saying about Bobby Dollar plus an exclusive excerpt from the book on Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, and a give-away on Goodreads.

The Dirty Streets of Heaven will be released on September 4th. Read more about it here.

The Dirty Streets of Heaven by Tad Williams“When I heard that Tad Williams was writing an urban fantasy novel, I got all tingly. Now I’ve read it, and it’s even better than I’d dared to hope. It’s snarky, fast-paced, and above all, original. You should be tingly, too.”
Patrick Rothfuss, best-selling author of The Name of the Wind

Read an excerpt from The Dirty Streets of Heaven on Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, here.

Enter to win an advance copy of The Dirty Streets of Heaven on Goodreads, here.


The Dirty Streets of Heaven has surprised me. It is a story of Heaven and Hell and one angel, Bobby Dollar, stuck in the middle of it. He is not an important angel by any means, but seems to have a real talent for finding trouble. Or trouble finds him even if he doesn’t want it.

Souls are going missing and nobody knows why. Both Heaven and Hell are nervous and Bobby Dollar gets sucked into the middle of it.

If you are a seasoned Tad Williams fan, then you are in for a real treat. This is new ground for our fantasy favourite. If you haven’t read Tad before then you might like to read this and then have a look at some of his fantasy. I recommend Otherland. You will be amazed at how different they will read.

Tad is a master story teller and this series will be up there with his best.

Read the full review here.

The Dirty Streets of Heaven by Tad Williams (UK jacket)SFBOOK.COM REVIEWS THE DIRTY STREETS OF HEAVEN

Here we have a modern take on the whole heaven and hell idea and the author does a brilliant job of describing the heavenly host and its angelic agents, set within an urban fantasy detective backdrop. I love how the author explains the way this afterlife works, it makes a great deal of sense and really pits the agents of heaven and hell against each other in competition for these departed souls.

Even better though is the actual story, narrated in the first person by our reluctant, angelic hero Bobby Dollar — which helps to create that detective ambience — we are treated to a twisting tale which greys the edges between good and bad and offers a plot that manages to keep the reader on their toes, although I did manage to guess what was going on before Bobby did. The story is broken up with some great action scenes and effective character building.

Williams has managed to create something really special with The Dirty Streets of Heaven that manages to breathe new life into the urban fantasy genre while at the same time retaining that magic of his earlier novels, an incredible start to a promising series.

Read the full review here.


I loved that this is another one of his suck zone books! You open to the first page and you are sucked in! The story is so rich and fun that you get sucked in from the very first word! When I started to read this book my worst fear becomes…WHAT IF I DIE BEFORE I FINISH READING THIS BOOK? Truly for me Tad has once again created something new and fresh. There really is no comparison to any other book on the market, including his own. I know this because I have read everything that he has written. The best I can do is to say the feel of the flow of the story is similar to The War of the Flowers. The Dirty Streets of Heaven has a unique feeling to the story line. I love how he comes up with the new concepts and a fresh perspectives in his story telling.

I highly recommend this book to a scifi/fantasy reader, but due to cussing in the book I would say those over 17.

Read the full review here.


“I enjoyed the book tremendously. It is a little more earthy than Williams’ more recent books, including colorful expletives to highlight moments of tension and a couple of adult scenes to establish the power and significance of a relationship.”
— Margit

“Another reason I loved it is it’s a short quick read. It’s a hell of a lot of fun and Bobby Dollar is a fun, multi-layered character that I enjoyed spending time with.”
— Steve Lewis

“What a great book so far. I expected another fantasy from Tad Williams but this so different. Angels and demons and lost souls. Very entertaining so far.”
— Stephen C.

“I was lucky enough to get a copy of the proof last week and just finished reading it. Warning: you may lose track of time, sleep and touch with your loved ones while reading this book.”
— Marquita

Follow reviews and discussion about THE DIRTY STREETS OF HEAVEN on Goodreads, here.

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