Fat Innkeeper Worm

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13 July 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Today I kept bumping into the fact of how blessed most of us are just to be alive and to have what we do. Don’t know why I kept running into moments like that, but I did. Not complaining, either.

Isn’t this our second Friday the 13th this year? I blame Obamacare.

I love this song. My favorite version is Regine Crespin’s, but this is lovely. And appropriate for summer nights, obviously.

4. Absence – Les nuits d’été (Berlioz) – Anne Sofie von Otter

12 July 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Hell hath no furry like a sas quatched.

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The Poseidon Adventure for the nursery school set.

Runaway bouncy castle

11 July 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

10 July 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Baseball fans only: I think it was Rob Dibble and some New York sportswriters whining about Sandoval and Cabrera making the starting line-up. As it turns out, S. and C. have darn near won the All-Star Game by themselves. So you can eat a bag of raw *gaebul*, Dibs.

It's popular in some Korean and Japanese cuisines, is served raw, and is called either

Been doing research. Don’t want to be culturally insensitive, but I doubt I will be trying this food very soon. It’s called “gaebul”, a kind of marine worm. It’s popular in some Korean and Japanese cuisines, is served raw, and is called either “Fat Innkeeper Worm” or “Penis Fish.” For a guy who doesn’t eat sushi, there are several deal-breakers in this one.

When I was a teenage guy, television choices were much more limited (obviously) than they are now, and my friend Corry and I would build our weekend around watching SCTV. Nearly everybody on that show was a comedy god, and when Martin Short came along he fit right in, another genius.

9 July 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

We’re big, big Miyazaki fans around my house.

Two stories finished and sent. Two stories and the first draft of HAPPY HOUR IN HELL to go. Zoom, zoom! (Screech, crash.)

8 July 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

7 July 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Because I think EVERYBODY should have to stare at the same damn picture of one of our ridiculous dogs that my daughter keeps sending me.

Because I think EVERYBODY should have to stare at the same damn picture of one of our ridiculous dogs that my daughter keeps sending me.

6 July 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

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