Booklist on ‘A Stark and Wormy Knight’

From Subterranean Press:

A Stark and Wormy Knight by Tad WilliamsThe kindly folks at Booklist have just given their thumb’s up to Tad Williams’ hefty new collection, A Stark and Wormy Knight.

To wit:

“This is a collection of Williams’ excellent short fiction, originally published within the past 10 years. The 11 stories include fantasy, sf, and a few oddments, and they all make most interesting reading. The title story is most laughably pun-ishing; ‘The Storm Door’ is a subtle and frightful zombie tale; ‘Ants’ is a terrifying tale of a marriage gone wrong; and ‘Ministers of Grace’ is an introduction to a major novel not yet written. There is also a script for a DC Comics series that was never produced, and a screenplay for a movie never made, both of which show the breadth of Williams’ talent.”

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