Kites, food, confusion, park.

Tad on Facebook

6 June 2012

[singlepic id=753 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

We lost Ray Bradbury. RIP.

They say all babies look like Winston Churchill, but I'm not sure that's true. I mean, let's take this random baby here, and...OH MY GOD....Never mind.

They say all babies look like Winston Churchill, but I’m not sure that’s true. I mean, let’s take this random baby here, and…OH MY GOD.

Never mind.

RIP Ray Bradbury, an American original. Travel well.

5 June 2012

[singlepic id=752 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

4 June 2012

[singlepic id=751 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

The first Bobby Dollar is out making the rounds. I feel like I’m dying for reviews, but I also know that’s a treacherous headspace to be in, because I always am more distressed about bad (or even insufficiently glowing for my fragile little ego) than I am buoyed by good reviews.

Family brawl. Kites, food, confusion, park. Great fun. Many of my favorite people, out of doors, with cookies, too. What’s not to like?

3 June 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

I’m having a quiet, contemplative night. That’s a good thing.


I’m always seeing things about hemp on Facebook. I’m willing to believe that it’s a wonder plant, and that the only reason people don’t use it in the US is because it’s illegal. How about in other places, like the Netherlands, where they’re not so paranoid about the marijuana angle? Do they use it for all those other cool things, too?

2 June 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Okay, I need a little help. Anyone know anyone who can answer a bunch of weird questions about stars? I mean, really nitty-gritty stuff about how the physics work and how they MIGHT work in weird science-fictional situations? Because I need a bunch of information so I can write a story.

1 June 2012

[singlepic id=748 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

31 May 2012

[singlepic id=747 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

I'd hit that.

I’d hit that.

Well? Have you?

Well? Have you?

30 May 2012

[singlepic id=745 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

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