An Expert-Level Dance

Tad on Facebook

21 June 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

The title track is actually rather cool, not least for rhyming “Castro” with “disastro”. See if you can find it on iTunes or somewhere.

Morticia in mufti.

Morticia in mufti.

I am in a sort of high-heat, fast-cooking mode at the moment with my writing, trying to get a huge number of projects done, a first draft of second Bobby Dollar novel and several short stories due for anthologies being the main culprits.

And at the moment it’s going well enough that I’m reluctant to take time off to do other things, like get exercise or hang out with my family. I find it interesting how the essential fulcrum of life for me is always work (which I love) versus family and friends (which I love more).

It’s always been an expert-level dance trying to balance the two.

a game little challenger breaks through and lands right in the middle of my heart and names himself Captain Big Grin.

I’ve seen enough I-can-haz-cheezburger images in the last decade to kill a weaker man, yet I never even cracked a semi. Every now and then, though, a game little challenger breaks through and lands right in the middle of my heart and names himself “Captain Big Grin.” This is one of those thens.

20 June 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

19 June 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

John Phillip Law, the angel from “Barbarella”, as Diabolik, French comic book anti-hero. HOWEVER, the main reason it’s significant is because “Diabolik” was the very last Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie, when Mike and the ‘bots escaped back to earth.

I'm glad I live in the internet world, because useful silliness travels much faster these days.

I’m glad I live in the internet world, because useful silliness travels much faster these days.

18 June 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Stole this one from Jessica Amanda Salmonson.

Dorothy Malone, Martin and Lewis, and Shirley MacLaine in a goofy studio shot. Swingin'.

Dorothy Malone, Martin and Lewis, and Shirley MacLaine in a goofy studio shot. Swingin’.

Happy Monday!

17 June 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

The fabulous Melissa auf der Maur.

My God, I didn’t even realize — we have moved into the fifth Octomob already! Congratulations, Octomob Number Four, your numbers are complete. And congratulations, new Octomobsters!

(Some time back, I declared that the first 888 Facebook friends constituted an “octomob”. I’ve been keeping track of them since. Friend #3552 filled up the fourth octomob, and #3553 started the new one, which has about nineteen menbers so far. Man, if you don’t know your octomob number, how you gonna get paid?)

And I'll mate in private, too, thank you.

And I’ll mate in private, too, thank you.

Happy Father’s Day! I’m off to play music. And do some fathering, too, naturally. Not in the sense of literally impregnating anybody, just picking up and dropping off various of my offspring.

16 June 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

By the way, apropos of my profile picture, you ARE all watching “Adventure Time” aren’t you? Because it’s one of the best programs on television, and only incidentally “for kids.”

15 June 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

14 June 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Good morning!

Good morning!

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