Life After Jetlag

Tad on Facebook

6 May 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Off to play music. Hideously out of practice. Will fake it.

This disturbing image, which looks like something you might find crawling around on the sea floor, covered with stinging spines, sleeps next to me. And when it has been eating gopher guts, as this one recently did, it is a most unpleasant bedfellow.

This disturbing image, which looks like something you might find crawling around on the sea floor, covered with stinging spines, sleeps next to me. And when it has been eating gopher guts, as this one recently did, it is a most unpleasant bedfellow.

5 May 2012

[singlepic id=716 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

If I had a Phantom Zone projector like Superman does, the Phantom Zone would be full of cats.

4 May 2012

[singlepic id=715 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today



3 May 2012

[singlepic id=714 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

This, by the way, is how I think of Singapore (whence I have recently returned) — as Vegas with more interesting food.

This, by the way, is how I think of Singapore (whence I have recently returned) — as Vegas with more interesting food.

The cares of life are getting to me like sand in my shoes and my underwear.

I’ve finally figured out how to alleviate my financial woes. It was right under my nose all the time. I’ve been letting all those children and animals live here FOR FREE.

2 May 2012

[singlepic id=713 w=320 h=240 float=center]

Tad’s Mood Today

Wow. I had an idea last night/this morning, while drifting in and out of sleep. That’s the first lifting of the creative fog since Saturday. There’s hope for life after jetlag.

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2 thoughts on “Life After Jetlag

  1. Tad – quick question about your site – why on the main menu, under “Books” – is your finest work omitted? Where is MS&T ?

    • Hi Callum, thank you for asking. Thought I would answer your question since I’m responsible for Tad’s web site. MS&T is not intentionally omitted — we are in the middle of re-vamping the Book pages and just don’t have all of the pages up yet. However all of Tad’s books will be represented on the site very soon, so please watch this space!

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