1 May 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
Finally, a scientific way to track stupidity in populations. If you’re white and you think you’re more discriminated against in America than other ethnic groups, congratulations: you’re officially an idiot. Stand up and be proud!
‘Whites suffer more racism than blacks’: Study shows white people believe they are more discriminate
You might think the right-wingers are crazy, but no…it’s everybody else. And now they understand why Obama is so busy destroying the country by…by…all those country-destroying things he’s doing.
President Obama the Klan Punisher?
It’s very interesting being jetlagged. I’m more or less human, but the creative functions are shrouded in fog. It really feels like being someone else.
30 April 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
One world! One love!
They couldn’t break me. They had to let me go.
22 April 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
21 April 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
I try not to post too many cute things, but I’m fretting about leaving my family for a week while I go on a trip, so this resonates.
Can’t see the video in your RSS reader or email? Click here.
20 April 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
Trying to get ready to go to Singapore, as well as find some hang-out time with my family. And what am I doing? Sitting in front of a computer. Give me that food pellet, already!
Hecticity — is that a word? Because that’s what I’m in the middle of, a whole bunch of…hectic-ness. It’s hectic as heck here, is what I’m trying to tell you.
19 April 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
18 April 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
Ignoring things is not automatically a vice; in fact, ignoring things can be a crucial life-enhancing tool. Not to mention that at a basic level, it’s all that allows us to think coherently.
17 April 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
Interesting as an investigation of how these things go badly, stupidly wrong.
Sometimes, When “All the Facts are In,†It’s Worse: The UC-Davis Pepper-Spray Report