Lord Love a Duck

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16 April 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

My friend Peter Stampfel playing deejay, serving up some mellow Tokyo sounds to help you recover from a manic Monday.

Just kidding — it’s bat-@#$& crazy.

Fly safely, English kin. We miss you guys already. Once I put my mother-in-law in St. Clare’s it’s going to be really quiet around here.

15 April 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Ah, yes.

Lord love a duck, it was actually sunny outside today. It lifted my spirits, in the fullest expansive significance of the cliché. I need to spend more time outside, and so does my family. We have been hermit-like and scuttling for weeks. I need a good walk.

14 April 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

My favorite Sworsach so far. (internet meme alert) Which means since last night.

My favorite Sworsach so far. (internet meme alert) Which means since last night.

13 April 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Had to share this picture of Timothy B. McCormick’s shirt from back in the day. The My-O-My was our old club in downtown Palo Alto

Had to share this picture of Timothy B. McCormick’s shirt from back in the day. The My-O-My was our old club in downtown Palo Alto, sponsored by pretty much the entire Stallings family, my best friend Josh and his brother Lark, sisters Shaun and Lisa, and his mom and her boyfriend. We all hung out there, slept there, worked and played there, rehearsed and then performed there. For a couple of years, it was the off-kilter center of our suburban world.

12 April 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

As Lisa said — fun ad.

11 April 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Now that the guessing is over on the Captain Hook picture, I can post my profile pic. As you can tell, I’m having One of Those Days.

I was trolling for profile pictures and found this. See if you can figure out who this is dressed as Captain Hook.

I was trolling for profile pictures and found this. See if you can figure out who this is dressed as Captain Hook.

Took the mixed British-American gang to the Monterey Aquarium today, which is still just wonderful. It was p#ssing down rain, so it was a good day to do an indoor thing, but I wish we were providing our short-term visitors with better weather. California is letting them down.

I want this so bad I’ve already put ads on Craigslist to sell one or both of my children so I can afford it.

I want this so bad I’ve already put ads on Craigslist to sell one or both of my children so I can afford it.

10 April 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

Olga Dubina

Hey, Ozzie Guillen: Thou shalt not buck the right-wing, anti-Castro line in South Florida. But you probably figured that out already, huh?

The rain has returned, suddenly and stealthily. I am going to pretend I don’t notice, just to piss it off.

9 April 2012

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Tad’s Mood Today

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