Forthcoming Releases

Traumjäger und Goldpfote by Tad Williams15 March 2012
Traumjäger und Goldpfote in Deutschland

Hobbit Presse from Klett-Cotta will be releasing a new edition of Traumjäger und Goldpfote (Tailchaser’s Song) which has been unavailable in Germany for many years. Tad’s fans will want to add this beautiful new hardcover to their collections, the fifth edition of the novel published in German. Read more about the new edition at and at Die Tad Williams Online Bibliographie. Available for pre-order at

The Secrets of Ordinary Farm by Tad Williams and Deborah Beale29 March 2012
The Secrets of Ordinary Farm (UK)

The second book in the Ordinary Farm Adventures by Tad Williams and Deborah Beale will be available in a paperback edition from Quercus and for the Kindle (UK). This is the first time The Secrets of Ordinary Farm will be available in a print edition in English. Read more here. Available for pre-order at

The Secrets of Ordinary Farm is currently only available in the US in e-book format for the Kindle and the Nook. German print, audio, and Kindle editions are available from Klett-Cotta.

A Stark and Wormy Knight by Tad WilliamsJune 2012
A Stark and Wormy Knight
Print Edition from Subterranean Press

Subterranean Press will be publishing a Limited Edition and Trade Edition of Tad’s second collection of short fiction, A Stark and Wormy Knight. The Limited Edition will be 250 signed numbered copies, bound in leather. The Trade Edition will be a fully cloth-bound hardcover edition. Be sure to order your copy soon from Subterranean as they are certain to sell-out quickly. (The hardcover trade edition of Tad’s first short fiction collection from Subterranean, Rite, is already a collector’s item!)

A Stark and Wormy Knight is available now for the Kindle.

4 September 2012
The Dirty Streets of Heaven

Tad’s new mind blowing fantasy-fueled thriller, the first volume in the Bobby Dollar series, will be published by DAW Books in the US and by Hodder Stoughton in the UK. Read more about it here.

Multiverse: Exploring Poul Anderson’s WorldsFall 2012
Multiverse: Exploring Poul Anderson’s Worlds
Tad’s story: “Three Lilies and Three Leopards (And a Participation Ribbon in Science)”

Multiverse: Exploring Poul Anderson’s Worlds, edited by Greg Bear and Gardner Dozois, will be published this fall by Subterranean Press.

Here’s Tad on the origins of his story…

I must have discovered Poul Anderson when I first began haunting used book stores and buying my own books. All I remember is that his fantasy hit me like a sledge hammer, particularly the grit and realism. I also was knocked out—and the best example is Three Hearts and Three Lions—by his idea of taking one of these magical, fairy-tale worlds and trying to figure out how it actually WORKED. This has carried over into my own work, and is one of the reasons that I often think of myself as being a “hard fantasy” writer. Because of Anderson’s influence, I try to make even the craziest stuff feel as though it could really happen in a universe with rules. Later on I was hit equally hard by Tau Zero, which convinced me that science (or at least fictional science) could be as exciting as magic any old time. I’m sure that at some subconscious level Anderson’s versatility also convinced me never to get pinned down as a writer, not to keep retreating to familiar territory but to follow an idea wherever it led without concern for genre boundaries.

(I’m sure a few of my long-suffering editors are now cursing Mr. Anderson’s illustrious name for this important contribution to my waywardness.)

In later years I read a great deal more of his work and loved it, and doubtless internalized a great deal of it to the influence of my own work, but I will forever remember my breathless first response to things like the “boiler explosion” in Three Hearts and the way time itself turns widdershins in Tau Zero. More than any other writer, I think he opened me up to how facts make fantasy more believable, and since belief is at the core of what we writers do, that was a gift beyond price. Thank you, Poul.

Tad’s story also appears in SUBTERRANEAN: Winter 2012 Edition: a new 20,000 word novella, THREE LILIES AND THREE LEOPARDS. Read it here.

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