The Dirty Streets of Heaven

The Dirty Streets of Heaven, the first book in Tad’s new fantasy-fueled thriller series will be on sale September 4, 2012. Continue reading
The Dirty Streets of Heaven, the first book in Tad’s new fantasy-fueled thriller series will be on sale September 4, 2012. Continue reading
The brand new official gameplay trailer for gamigo and RealU’s upcoming Otherland MMOG debuted at the next-g event today. The new trailer teases us with more screenshots of the action and gameplay we look forward to in Otherland. Continue reading
Few science fiction sagas have achieved the level of critical acclaim — and best-selling popularity — as Tad Williams’s Otherland novels. A brilliant blend of science fiction, fantasy, and technothriller, Otherland is a rich, multilayered epic of future possibilities.
After several years in development, game studio RealU, dtp Entertainment, and gamigo are pleased to announce Otherland, the Massive Multiplayer Online Game based on Tad’s epic series. Continue reading