Caliban’s Hour: Now in E-Book

Sink into Tad’s bejeweled Shakespearean fantasy…

Caliban's Hour by Tad Williams

Now available world-wide for $6.99 or equivalent.

Caliban’s Hour (Nook Book) — Barnes and Noble
Caliban’s Hour (Kindle Edition) —
Caliban’s Hour (Kindle Edition) —
Caliban’s Hour (Kindle Edition) —

“Williams (To Green Angel Tower) takes a break from his bestselling fantasy epics, venturing into Shakespearean territory with this intriguing retelling of The Tempest… Williams wisely focuses on the parts of the story that Shakespeare only hinted at — all the years of Prospero’s exile on the island — and though he doesn’t veer far from his source, he puts a very different spin on events. His prose is lucid and smooth, and his storytelling effortless… this version of Caliban’s story has charms of its own.”

–Publishers Weekly

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