3 August 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
“And remember, Muffin, you pee in my ditty bag again and you’ll get what Foxy got.”
Cool and clever (and a ton of hard work.)
Robot Enthusiast Spends Two Years Bringing Pixar’s WALL-E to Life
2 August 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
“You wouldn’t like me when I’m cheerful.”
I’m going out to play some music soon. That’s because I’m just cool that way. (This is joke, people — I’m not cool ANY way. Except that I do my best to be kind.)
Here’s a more nuanced thought than some I’ve had a chance to share. Stuff like the Chik-fil-A issue has resonance on both sides far beyond the issue itself. For people who call themselves “social conservatives”, they seem to feel they are being railroaded into a social vision they don’t agree with, and will fight it however they can.
People like me, on the other hand, feel this is a historical issue that can and will only go one way, that science and world society are on the side of equality, and it’s time to stop shilly-shallying. As with so many other things, most other modern democracies have already dealt with this. It’s ridiculous (to us) that we’re still arguing about whether some human beings get the same rights as others do in the same country.
I myself firmly believe in everyone’s rights to believe whatever the heck they want to. However, when you’re denying rights to a part of the population based on old religious prohibitions and people’s personal discomfort, those who continue to oppose that denial, however genuinely they may believe it’s a freedom of speech issue, they’d better understand that just as you can’t go up to an interracial couple any more and say “People like you shouldn’t be able to get married,” without disgusting everyone around, the same is coming for those who feel the same way about gay couples. Sorry, but you’re on the wrong end of history with the racists and other bigots.
(And just to make my own feelings clear, you’re also a bigot if you automatically equate “Christian” with anything ugly, either. And bigotry sucks.)
Chik-fil-A supporting friends and acquaintances, please understand that for the rest of us, THIS is part of the context of your “defending people’s right to their religious beliefs” — ie, supporting and encouraging discrimination.
Interracial Marriage Laws
Alive in 1880. And some may live to be two hundred.
Whale survives harpoon attack 130 years ago to become ‘world’s oldest mammal’

After King Zor, this was the coolest Christmas present I ever got. The briefcase itself shot little plastic bullets, and it had all kinds of fly little gimcracks in it. Do you measure how good a present is by how much total fun you have with it, or how high the fun meter goes during the new toy honeymoon? This one spiked the needles pretty good no matter which way — I was espionaging the hell out of that neighborhood for months and months.
Let me tell you, in my day when you were cruising the local scene with this bad boy dangling from your fist, you were straight pimpin’.
1 August 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
Just saw that Gore Vidal died. I’m a big fan of his historical fiction, and also of his general cussedness. Ave atque vale.
31 July 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
“But first you must learn to smile as you kill.”
Working Class Hero – John Lennon
Can’t see the video in your RSS reader or email? Click here.
Don’t forget to visit our Mt. Doom Souvenir Stand on your way back down!
APOD: 2012 July 30 – Ash and Lightning Above an Icelandic Volcano
30 July 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
I have a quota of at least one stupid pet picture per week. Sorry. The government insists. I blame Obamacare!
They [tiny dog shoes] appear to have sizes. Which suggests tiny little Brannock scales for dogs. Is it any wonder that intelligent life from other planets doesn’t bother to contact us?
Like King Zor (below) this is an example of what we did for fun when I was a kid. If you were a pale Caucasian, that is, because they only made Band-Aid-pink fake fingers.
As I recall, it was part of the spy-era craze in the wake of James Bond and Man from U.N.C.L.E. and such. Many a little brother got shot in the eye. Well, not at MY house, of course…
Can’t see the video in your RSS reader or email? Click here.
Misread on a Forbes Magazine web page:
“Welcome, O life! I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race.â€
— Mitt Romney
I’m having a private little blues fest. Been listening to Blind Lemon and Charlie Patton and a bunch of other cool stuff like that the last couple of days. Unfortunately, now my woman done left me and the hellhounds are on my trail.
You can tell I’m in the fiction-factory groove, because I only sent off the first draft of HAPPY HOUR yesterday and already I’m trying to figure out what’s going to happen in the next one. Once I get working it’s hard to gear down.
29 July 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
“Be ready for King Zor! He’s ready for YOU!”
He was the best toy I ever had. You can see from the commercial how cool he was.
King Zor commercial ( Ideal 1962)
Can’t see the video in your RSS reader or email? Click here.
28 July 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
Darn kids today, don’t even have to synch up their own records and films. Frickety-frackin’ internet…!
IHC After Dark: ‘Dark Side of the Rainbow’ No…
Yes, I do believe this is happening. All over. Some of our right wing have decided they don’t want to leave things to chance. Or democracy.
Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes
Now I can die happy.
WATCH: 12-Second Cat Video Absolutely Worth Your Time
Can’t see the video in your RSS reader or email? Click here.
Let us not then speak ill of our generation, it is not any unhappier than its predecessors. (Pause.) Let us not speak well of it either. (Pause.) Let us not speak of it at all.
27 July 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
I always had a deep fondness for Cher. Unlike some men, that never made me want to dress like her (and even if I wasn’t straight, the idea of sleeping with Sonny Bono is pretty disturbing) but I do like her. But the picture is mostly because I thought it was a good continuity from yesterday’s owl. Everything makes sense, you see, in the Tad Plan.
I’m going through old videos and DVDs, including footage my friend Andy Harris and I shot for a television sitcom we wanted to make in 1988. Includes folks like Greg Proops, Michael McShane, Joan Mankin, Marga Gomez, and many other San Francisco comedy notables. Wow. Long time ago.
26 July 2012
Tad’s Mood Today

Pamela: So Tad, thinking you might find a use for this picture some day ;-)
Tad: This is more than a profile picture, Pamela, this is the horrifying truth of my home life. They keep me drugged so I can’t tell anyone, but really my dogs are…what, Frankie? No, I was just telling my friend how good you are to me. And how you never do anything mean or make me cry. Really!
25 July 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
Just wait until “she” gets flooded with messages from middle-age perverts pretending to be other teenagers. Welcome to the internet, Chik-fil-A! You’re out of your depth.
Chick-fil-A Got Caught Pretending to Be a Teenage Girl on Facebook

Someday people will collect all the things I write on Facebook into one grand edifice of pithiness. Some will read it and say, “It was a cry for help.” Many more will say, “He sure was weird about his turtle.” Others will only shake their heads sadly, make the sign of the cross, and walk away. And all of them will be at least partly right.
I have made a vow to write at least one thing every day that has no commercial value, not even as self-advertisement.
Okay, that’s the first one done.
24 July 2012
Tad’s Mood Today
Today’s profile picture, by the way, is in honor of my fish Clark’s new fishbowl. That’s not Clark in the pic, that’s some guy I don’t know. I’m sure he’s very nice, and he may even be named Clark and have a new fishbowl, but he’s not MY Clark.